"All language is but a poor translation."
Franz Kafka

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I lied. and yall got me booked.
the only truth is... i've stopped writting and creating... that at this point there is so much racing through my thoughts that i can't even discern anything of the crazyness. i still linger here, only to start and leave without leaving anything.

it's 2:32 AM, i just finished up a couple of write ups for the awards to be presented at this marvelous and monster gala the Canadian Tamil Congress is organizing this saturday... preparations for this event has eaten the entire team alive but i sorta can't wait... we've worked so incredibly hard! i admire each one of the dedicated executive working on this project... they genuinely inspire me to live my utmost potential.

so, it's late and i'm sitting in my family room alone in the quiet (except for Romi's random sigh and wagging of tail against the floor - in his sleep), closing up all my windows for the day and getting ready to set my laptop away... 

i've never introduced to me kabooki lover to yall!!
has been with us since mid fall last year, we adopted him from a some family friends
he is my angel, i have no words for his preciousness.

i adore watching him sleep :)

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