On the burning of the Public Library, he wrote:
What took place?
My city was set on fire
My people became faceless.
On my land, my breeze
on all the estampage of the Alien.
With your arms inter-locked behind
your back
for whom were you waiting?
Fire has writ large its message
indelibly on the clouds.
this poem, based on the true burning of the Tamil Jaffna Public Library in 1981, was a part of an interesting article about Sri Lankan Tamil Literature.
Art, in which ever form it may be, has and continues to have such extensive impact on how we understand and view life and its tribulations. Ya ya, i know you've heard this before... but every now and then i do some reading or research on litterature (blame it on the french litterature classes : even though they were nauseatingly relentless in their claim as ambassadors of boredom) and i am taken aback.

i want to know their stories...
we're to busy being afraid of strangers in this world we live in and i know that i won't get to know their stories... so i smile.
if you'd like to read the article, i encourage you : http://tamilelibrary.org/teli/
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